The seminar “Economy and Defence,” organized by idD Portugal Defence and the Confederação Empresarial de Portugal (CIP), took place today, June 26th, at Culturgest in Lisbon. It was highlighted by significant discussions on the crucial role of defence in the economy and the current economic landscape’s impact on defence.

The opening session featured the presence of the Minister of Economy, Pedro Reis, and Carlos Félix, President of idD Portugal Defence. Pedro Reis emphasized the importance of as many SMEs as possible positioning themselves to obtain NATO certification, considering this step a passport to the future. He highlighted the capacity of the Portuguese economy to assert itself in the Defence clusters. Carlos Félix noted that “smart investment in defense can have a positive and growing impact on various sectors of the national economy, contributing to its diversification.”

Nuno Rogeiro presented “There is No Economy Without Defense, No Defense Without Economy,” opening the discussions with a presentation on the current geopolitical context.

Commodore Nuno Sardinha Monteiro, Director of Naval Personnel, provided a detailed “Portrait of the Portuguese Armed Forces, Investment and Evolution,” highlighting future challenges and new investment opportunities.

The first round table of the day, titled “Beyond Weapons: Supplier Sectors of the Armed Forces,” focused on how the industry can support national defense, addressing issues such as the independence of supply chains outside the European Union.

Participants: Mário Machado (President of ATP – Portuguese Textile and Clothing Association), João Pedro Almeida Lopes (President of APIFARMA – Portuguese Pharmaceutical Industry Association), Jorge Henriques (President of FIPA – Federation of Portuguese Agro-Food Industries), Rafael Campos Pereira (Executive Vice-President of AIMMAP – Association of Metallurgical, Metalworking, and Related Industries of Portugal), and José Neves (President of AED Cluster Portugal).
Moderator: Tiago Freire (Director of Exame magazine).

Ricardo Mendes, CEO of TEKEVER, highlighted the company as a success story in the defence economy.

The second part of the event began with a lecture titled “A Call to Peace” by Luís Marques Mendes, State Counselor.

Next, the second round table began, titled “How the New International Order Has Changed in the Defence of Peace.”

Participants: Lieutenant General Marco Serronha (Retired Military and Specialist in Military Affairs, Strategy, and Defense), Major General Nuno Lemos Pires (Director-General of National Defense Policy), Raquel Vaz Pinto (University Professor), and Ricardo Conde (President of the Portuguese Space Agency).
Moderator: André Macedo (Communication Consultant).

General Luís Valença Pinto, President of EuroDefense-Portugal, in an interview with Celso Filipe, Deputy Director of Jornal de Negócios, discussed the implications of the European and global defense landscape for Portugal.

Armindo Monteiro, President of CIP – Confederation of Portuguese Business, and Nuno Melo, Minister of National Defense, closed the event. Armindo Monteiro emphasized the importance of collaboration between the economy and defense for the country’s development: “Investments in the military sector are for our defense and collective security.” Nuno Melo stressed that “we need a modern defense industry capable of producing more and better, and greater involvement of the business sector in the National Defense Technological and Industrial Base in the re-equipment of our Armed Forces and innovation in the military sector.”

The “Economy and Defense” seminar aimed to discuss the current geopolitical and geoeconomic context, analyze the responses developed by multilateral organizations to promote and strengthen security and defense, and explore the participation and resilience of the Portuguese industry in this collective effort.

Conferência "Economia e Defesa”