1.ª Jornada Luso-Francesa de Indústrias de Defesa

idD Portugal Defence, in collaboration with various national and French partners, is promoting the 1st Luso-French Defence Industries Forum, which will take place in Paris on October 2nd and 3rd. The event will host more than 50 companies from both countries, as well as the participation of significant industrial associations in the sector.

The aim of this initiative is to strengthen the bilateral relationship between Portugal and France in the field of defence industries. During the event, the acquisition programs of both countries will be discussed, encouraging the integration of companies into supply chains, as well as the formation of partnerships and consortia aimed at submitting applications to the European Defence Fund, among others. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit French companies and engage in B2B (Business to Business) and B2G (Business to Government) business meetings.

Aresia, Airbus, Ambassade de France au Portugal, Arkeocean, Cea, Cetrac.io, Comex, DGA, Diodon Drone Technology, Dreamteamaero heliodive, Elika team, Exail, Exavision, Factem sas, Gaches chimie, Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales (GIFAS), Groupement des Industries de Construction et Activités Navales (GICAN), Groupement des Industries Françaises de Défense et de Sécurité Terrestres e Aéroterrestres (GICAT), KNDS France, MBDA, MEDEF – Mouvement des entreprises de France International, Naval Group, Ocea, Oledcomm, Posithot, Potez Aeronautique, Safran Electronics & Defense, Satys aerospace, Secamic, Serpikom, Snowpack, Thales, Unseenlabs and Direction Générale de l’Armament (DGA).

aicep Portugal Global, AED Cluster Portugal, Beyond Composite, CEiiA, Chetocorporation, Ciclo Frapril, Critical Software, Direção-Geral de Recursos da Defesa Nacional, Distrim2, EID, Embaixada de Portugal em Paris, Estado-Maior-General das Forças Armadas, FHP, Gaches Chimie Portugal – Lusocopla, GMV, Graphenest, Grupo Optimal, Hypermetal, idD Portugal Defence, INESC TEC, Infinite Foundry, Lusospace, Maintenace & Engineering Ltd, Orion Technik, Promecel, QSR, Ricardo & Barbosa, Satys Portugal, Sinuta, Tecniforja, Tekever and Thales Portugal.

The organization of the event results from close collaboration between defence institutions from both countries, aimed at strengthening the potential of Portugal and France in the reindustrialization and enhancement of the autonomy of supply chains in the area of defence and security, both within the European economic space and beyond.

Portugal and France are countries that share strong economic relations and a unique cultural proximity, greatly enhanced by the significant presence of diasporas on both sides. This closeness creates a conducive environment for collaboration in research and development, allowing both nations to become stronger and more resilient in facing common challenges. Defence is one of the areas where cooperation can be especially impactful.