Voltar tópicos co-financiamento EDF-2022-RA-ENERENV-CUW: Sustainable components for underwater applications The general objective is to replace existing PZT based ceramics with alternative technologies, such as lead-free piezoelectric materials (aspiring to have no reduction in performance levels with even the potential for a gain), which will be suitable for military underwater applications, [...]
EDF: Materials and Components
idD Portugal2022-06-23T09:58:58+00:00Voltar tópicos co-financiamento EDF-2022-RA-MATCOMP-PACOMP: Packaging technologies for critical defence components Future defence systems that target information superiority, new communication capabilities, new battlefield operations, combat capabilities and inter-theatre air operations require electronic components with high performance and multiple functionalities. Systems such as radiofrequency (RF) sensors for radars or electronic warfare systems, [...]
EDF: Digital Transformation
idD Portugal2022-06-23T09:46:07+00:00Voltar tópicos co-financiamento EDF-2022-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-DIGIT-HTDP: Unmanned ground and aerial systems for hidden threats detection – Participation to a technological challenge Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and landmines are a significant threat to military personnel, civilians and equipment, and a major cause of casualties for European forces during operations. Countering these hidden threats [...]
EDF: Space
idD Portugal2022-06-23T10:24:50+00:00Voltar tópicos co-financiamento EDF-2022-RA-SPACE-RSS: Responsive space system The general objective of this research topic is to pave the way towards a future European responsive space system able to place small satellites in various types of orbits within a short notice in order to address specific operational needs, including tactical ones, [...]
EDF: Cyber
idD Portugal2022-06-23T10:15:47+00:00Voltar tópicos co-financiamento EDF-2022-RA-CYBER-CSACE: Adapting cyber situational awareness for evolving computing environments An increasing number of malicious actions targeting governmental and strategic systems occur in cyber space. New or improved solutions, technologies and applications for enhanced cyber situational awareness (CSA) are essential to counter these threats. To address evolving and [...]
EDF: Sensors
idD Portugal2022-06-23T10:11:04+00:00Voltar tópicos co-financiamento EDF-2022-RA-SENS-CSENS: Covert sensing Given the sensors’ technological progress, the European military forces may encounter potential adversaries capable of obtaining a robust situational awareness by using advanced active and passive sensor capabilities, able to accurately locate and identify forces and their sensors in the three-dimensional battlespace (land, sea [...]
EDF: Information Superiority
idD Portugal2022-06-23T10:07:50+00:00Voltar tópicos co-financiamento EDF-2022-RA-C4ISR-AIRC2: Single European Sky interoperability In order to cope with sustained air traffic growth and operations over Europe, the Single European Sky (SES) initiative has been running since 2004. It intends to improve the performance of Air Traffic Management (ATM) in terms of safety, capacity, cost-efficiency and [...]

EDF: Defence medical response, CBRN, biotech and human factors
idD Portugal2022-06-23T10:47:54+00:00Voltar tópicos co-financiamento EDF-2022-RA-MCBRN-HICP: Diagnostics, Treatment, Transport and Monitoring of Higly Contagious, Injured and /or Contaminated Personnel (R) Research and development in detection, diagnostics, treatment, transport and monitoring of highly contagious, injured and/or contaminated personnel (HICP) provides for new life-saving techniques, concepts and strategies for soldiers on the battlefield, [...]