Replacement of transformers and EMP filters in a protected facility of SHAPE in MONS Belgium.

The Kingdom ofBelgium, represented by its Minister of Defense acting in name and on behalf of NATO wishes to inform your national companies through your services -as foreseen in the ICB procedure AC-4-D-2261 -that Belgium will proceed to a call for candidates for a project called “Replacement of transformers and EMP filters” in a secured installation of SHAPE.

Tender 20VPA01

Setor de Atividade: Ambiente, Materiais Tecnológicos e Serviços

Datas Relevantes:

  • The official call for candidates will be issued in the first semester 2021;
  • The special specifications will be transmitted to the firms in April 2021;
  • Closing date for the submittal of bids is foreseen in June 2021;
  • Contact notification is foreseen in September 2021.

Mais Info: 20VPA01