The NIAG was established in October 1968 to provide a link to the NATO nations’ defence industries through which the industrial viewpoint and industrial technology development could be included in the work of NATO.
In line with this, the NIAG is a high-level consultative and advisory body composed of high-level industrial representatives of the member and partner nations, acting as a focal point and spokesperson for their national defence and security industries and associations.
Annual meeting in Portugal
The NIAG Plenary meetings will take place on 29 and 30 of November, however, the events will start with the “Industry Day” on 28 of November.
This “Industry day” aims to present and promote the Portuguese Defence Technological and Industrial Base, showcasing the Portuguese industry’s capabilities, striving to create new business opportunities, while opening venues for cooperation and collaboration with Allied and Partner nations’ entities.
The program will continue with two days of plenary sessions, where all NIAG representatives will assemble with the aim of reporting and discussing activities and ideas. These meetings are held three times a year and are held both in “Allied Format” – only with representatives of NATO nations -, and in “Interoperability Platform Format” – with NATO and partner nations.
Industry Day with NIAG representatives and Portuguese companies
The Industry Day, organised by idD Portugal, with the support of Câmara Municipal de Gaia, will present and promote the Portuguese Defence Technological and Industrial Base, showcasing the Portuguese industry’s capabilities, aiming to create new business opportunities for the different delegations and opening the door to cooperation and collaboration with entities from allied and partner countries.
The participation to the Industry Day is by invitation only. Participants will include NIAG representatives – to include government, industry, associations and cluster representatives, as well as NATO officials –, high-level representatives from the Portuguese government, Armed Forces, and other public and private entities, foreign representatives based in Portugal, as well as representatives from the Portuguese Defence Technological and Industrial Base.
NIAG: crucial to the Defence Economy
Acting under the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), the NIAG aims to:
- Provide a forum for free exchange of views on industrial, technical, economic, management and other relevant aspects of research, development and production of armament equipment within the Alliance, based on current and updated information provided by relevant NATO bodies;
- Provide industry’s advice to the CNAD on how to foster government-to-industry and industry-to-industry armaments co-operation within the Alliance;
- Provide optimal use of NIAG resources to assist Main Armaments Groups, and their subordinate bodies, in exploring opportunities for international collaboration, and seeking timely and efficient ways to satisfy NATO military requirements.
By promoting international collaboration and cooperation in providing high-level industrial advice to relevant NATO bodies, the NIAG plays a most important role towards promoting the Defence Economy.
In this context, by bringing the NIAG to Portugal, idD is promoting the Portuguese Defence Economy at the highest level!