To be held on 24 May, this seminar aims to discuss the European defence ecosystem, reflect on its challenges and ways ahead, and inform on the EU policies, programmes and funding. It further hopes to leverage the momentum with the participation of the Defence Industry Representatives to promote a dialogue on the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB).
Organised by idD – Portugal Defence, on the occasion of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the seminar will gather participants from the EU, NATO, including the military, industry, academia and non-governmental organisations, leveraging their diverse backgrounds in the strive to provide for a forum which contributes to the advancement of the European Defence Economy.
This event will be held in a hybrid format, taking place simultaneously at CCB and via WebEx.
For questions, contact PPUE [a] iddportugal.pt
08h30: Opening remarks
Marco Capitão Ferreira, Chairman of the Board, IdD – Portugal Defence
Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for Internal Market VTC
João Gomes Cravinho, Minister of Defence of Portugal
Press Point
09h-10h15: Is Europe’s Defence vaccinated against crises?
This is an important political moment to ensure that Europe delivers on defence. The panel will discuss current defence initiatives such as PESCO, EDF, CARD, EU-NATO cooperation. The panellists will also exchange views on challenges ahead and opportunities for Europe’s Defence, particularly for the future of the European Defence Industry, taking into account the developments regarding the MFF, Defence budgets, lessons learned from Covid-19, the need for cross-border collaboration, R&D and the role of SMEs.
Moderator: Jamie Shea, Senior Fellow, Friends of Europe
Camille Grand, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment VTC
General Claudio Graziano, Chairman, European Union Military Committee
Katarina Engberg, Senior Advisor, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies VTC
Paulo Lourenço, Director, Nacional Defence Policy, Portuguese Ministry of Defence
François Arbault, Director, Defence Industry, European Commission Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space VTC
Coffee break
10h45 – 12h: Wind of change in Europe’s Defence Industry? – A perspective from Industry
This panel will discuss the great momentum for Defence witnessed in the last five years and what it meant for the Defence Industry (with the EU Global Strategy and the European Defence Action Plan, the creation of bold instruments such as PESCO, FED and CARD and more recently, with the creation of Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space). The panel will share some of Industry’s concerns regarding the current defence investment and R&D investment.
The panellists will also reflect on the challenges ahead and opportunities taking into account the developments regarding MFF, Defence budgets, Covid-19, the need for cross-border collaboration and the role of SMEs.
Moderator: Joana Almodovar, Director, Office for Strategy and Studies, Portuguese Ministry of State for the Economy and Digital Transition
Ante Milevoj, Director, Slovenian Defence Industry Cluster VTC
Elīna Egle-Ločmele, CEO, Federation of Security and Defence Industries of Latvia VTC
Marco Capitão Ferreira, Chairman of the Board, idD – Portugal Defence
Ricardo Martí Fluxá, President, Spanish Association of Technology Companies in Defence, Security, Aeronautics and Space VTC
Tuija Karanko, Secretary-General, Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries VTC
Lunch break
14h00 – 15h30: EU actions in support of SMEs, Clusters and Regions
This panel will discuss the several available policies, instruments and mechanisms in different EU organisms to support the SMEs, clusters and regions. The panellists will also debate how to bring authorities, clusters and businesses together in order to enhance the European Defence.
Moderator: Eng. José Vale, Director, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Portuguese Competition and Innovation Agency
António Bob Santos, Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education
Emilio Fajardo, Director, Industry, Synergies & Enablers Directorate, European Defence Agency
Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, Member of the European Parliament
João Faria, Head of Political Section, European Commission Representation in Portugal
Carmen Sillero, Executive Board Member, European Association of Regional Development Agencies VTC
Coffee break
15h45 – 17h30: Bridging the gaps: Dual-use equals dual benefits
During this session, the participants will share their experiences, challenges, and successes in the area of dual-use and reflect on how to bridge the gap and explore dual-use opportunities.
Moderator: Raúl Fangueiro, Professor, Minho University
Jean-David Malo, Director, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency VTC
Vice-Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo, Coordinator, COVID-19 Vaccination Plan Task Force, Portuguese General Staff of the Armed Forces
Major-General Jorge Côrte-Real Andrade, Deputy Director of Armament, Portuguese Ministry of Defence
José Neves, President, AED Cluster Portugal
Elodie Viau, Director, Telecommunications and Integrated Applications, European Space Agency VTC
17h30 – 19h00: B2B networking
19h00: Closing remarks and way ahead
Marco Capitão Ferreira, Chairman of the Board, idD – Portugal Defence
Jiří Šedivý, Chief Executive, European Defence Agency
Pedro Siza Vieira, Minister of State for the Economy and Digital Transition of Portugal