European Defence Fund

EDF: Defence medical response, CBRN, biotech and human factors


Back calls topics co-funding EDF-2021-MCBRN-R-CBRNDIM: Detection, identification and monitoring (DIM) of CBRN threats Rapid detection of hazardous agents, detailed identification and monitoring over time and geographical area are an essential part of the CBRN response chain, and the demands vary depending on the specific task. Based on the situational awareness that DIM provides, military commanders [...]

EDF: Information Superiority (C4ISR)


Back calls topics co-funding EDF-2021-C4ISR-D-HAPS: High-altitude platform systems Information superiority is a critical capability to be developed and improved with the aim to address future challenges to be faced by European Defence Forces and NATO stakeholders, and more specifically to support reactive and efficient decision-making processes. In order to improve systems dealing with command, control [...]

EDF: Advanced passive and active sensors


Back calls topics co-funding EDF-2021-SENS-R-IRD: Infrared detectors The domain of Infrared (IR) detectors encompasses a variety of technologies that detect in different spectral bands for a variety of applications (land, air, naval, space, missile guidance, drones...). IR detectors are key drivers to increase DRI ranges and thus improve the global efficiency of the system (situation [...]

EDF: Space


Back calls topics co-funding EDF-2021-SPACE-D-SNGS: Space and ground-based NAVWAR surveillance This call aims at improving space-based PNT resilience in contested environments through the mapping and analysis of threats. It will complement the on-going EDIDP project on Galileo PRS receivers and contribute to reinforce Galileo as a credible European solution for defence applications. This call aims [...]

EDF: Digital transformation


Back calls topics co-funding EDF-2021-DIGIT-R-FL: Frugal learning for rapid adaptation of AI systems In times of real-time information availability and exchange, and increasing complexity of situations, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an essential driver for new competitive system solutions. Future military capabilities will include a significant share of systems that will make massive use of AI [...]

EDF: Energy resilience and environmental transition


Back calls topics co-funding EDF-2021-ENERENV-D-EEMC: Energy independent and efficient systems for military camps Despite a constant improvement of their energy efficiency, a growing energy consumption of weapon systems and of their logistic footprint has been observed. This is mainly due to the number of the vehicles, the huge requirements in mobility of force, the on-board [...]

EDF: Materials and components


Back calls topics co-funding EDF-2021-MATCOMP-R-PHE: Materials and structures for enhanced protection in hostile environments Military platforms and military personal protective equipment have to ensure a high level of protection against a large scope of threats and reduce risks of injuries for mounted and dismounted soldiers. Military platforms and military personal protective equipment have to [...]

EDF: Air combat


Back calls topics co-funding EDF-2021-AIR-R-NGRT: Next generation rotorcraft technologies The importance of rotorcrafts, as principal vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) assets/systems, in military operations is widely recognized. Military rotorcraft are the workhorses of battlefields, fulfilling missions like armed reconnaissance, strike, combat search-and-rescue (CSAR), MEDical EVACuation (MEDEVAC), utility, air assault and close aerial support (CAS), which [...]

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