The Defence4Tech Hub, the first Digital Innovation Hub in Europe dedicated to the Defence Economy, was approved by the Minister of State, Economy and Digital Transition and was also designated for access to the European network of the European Digital Innovation Hubs.
The Defence4Tech Hub, led by idD Portugal Defence, is the product from a consortium with AED Cluster Portugal, UNINOVA, the Research and Development centres from the three branches of the Armed Forces and from the Portuguese Military University Institute (CINAMIL, CIAFA, CINAV and CIDIUM), University of Beira Interior, Nova School of Science and Technology, ISQ, CEiiA and DTx CoLAB.
Digital Innovation Hubs are a part of Digital Europe Programme and their objective is to accelerate the dissemination and adoption of digital technologies by companies and the Public Administration, contributing to the increase in the competitiveness of their processes, products and services.
The Defence4Tech Hub is a major instrument for the Defence Economy strategy that idD Portugal Defence is promoting, playing an important role in promoting the economic fabric and contributing to Europe’s re-industrialization plan
Considering that the entities that are a part of the Defence Technological and Industrial Base have a significant capacity to disseminate good practices in multiple sectors, from aeronautics and space to textiles, passing through automation and robotics, naval systems, engineering, software or cyber, and with the Armed Forces being a symbol of a strong R&D+I component, promoting dual-use solutions, the Defence4Tech Hub is an important tool in the strategy for the European Defence Economy that idD Portugal Defence is promoting, playing an important role in promoting the economic fabric and contributing to Europe’s re-industrialization plan.