The new Academia do Arsenal 4.0, a €2 million project financed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) was launched by the Minister of National Defence, João Gomes Cravinho, as part of the strategy for the development of the naval cluster in Portugal.
The Academia will have a structuring role in the preparation and qualification of professionals in the sector for the new technological processes of the shipbuilding industry 4.0, offering a set of training programmes to requalify teams, as well as to attract and retain engineers, with the aim of promoting innovation in the cluster and strengthening the link between industry and academia.
The Academia includes an Innovation and Experimentation Centre, which will be a competence centre for the training of Human Resources and the promotion of Innovation in the naval industry, linked to the Technological Free Zone (ZLT) that the Portuguese Navy is promoting in Tróia.
Academia do Arsenal 4.0 is the first project of the idD Portugal Defence holding to guarantee funding from the PRR for the Defence Economy. The project will contribute to job creation associated with training and acquisition of skills, attracting new companies and creating new technological development centres in the naval sector. It will also be one of the pillars of the country’s strategic autonomy to boost economic growth, qualified employment and Defence Economy exports.
The Academia results from a consortium of strategic partners of the naval cluster and of universities and research centres, such as the Consortium of Engineering Schools, the Associação das Indústrias Navais, idD Portugal Defence and Arsenal do Alfeite.
ISQ, UNINOVA and international manufacturers of the naval cluster are involved in Academia do Arsenal 4.0 as they are responsible for training the technical staff necessary for the sustainability of the naval industry in Portugal.