Industry Day - Portugal Germany

idD Portugal Defence and BDSV organised the first ‘Industry Day Portugal – Germany’, with over 30 participants, between Defence companies from both countries and other guests.

The programme started with welcome messages from both entities, where possible forms of future cooperation between the two countries were discussed. Then, an example of effective cooperation between Arsenal do Alfeite and ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems was presented, where the main investments under the Military Programming Law were highlighted.

The final session included B2B meeting between Portuguese and Germany companies that idD Portugal Defence wishes to be the starting point for new cooperation and businesses.

Lisbon time


Opening Remarks

Chairman of IdD Portugal Defence – Marco Capitão Ferreira

Managing Director of BDSV – Hans Christoph Atzpodien



Round Table: Feedback of industrial cooperation between the two countries (via Webex)

  • Naval sector cooperation:
    • Arsenal do Alfeite: Bruno Pica, Head of Operations and Sales
    • TKMS: Jan Krabbenhöft, Head of Operating Unit Service | Knut Baumann, Head of Product Sales Services


10:15-10:30 Q&A

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00–13:00 B2B (one to one, individual matches via Teams)