idD Portugal Defence and the Portuguese Navy signed this Monday, September 20, 2021, a cooperation agreement that intends to define the terms and conditions of cooperation between the Navy and idD Portugal Defence in matters related to the promotion of the Economy of Defence.
Cooperation between idD Portugal Defence and the Portuguese Navy is already underway, namely, for example, in the context of the attribution of the status of a Technological Free Zone to CEOM – Navy Operational Experimentation Centre.
The agreement will make it possible to deepen cooperation between the two entities, simultaneously contributing to the continued development of the Defence Technological and Industrial Base and to increasing the Navy’s operational capacity.
Research, development and business innovation will be fundamental to the pursuit of these goals, fostering a high level of technology through the creation of networks involving the Armed Forces, companies, universities and research centres, which will make it possible to multiply the impact of the Navy investment.
The agreement was signed in the context of the visit of the Minister of National Defence, João Gomes Cravinho, to the CEOM, within the scope of the NATO REP(MUS) 21 exercise, organised by the Portuguese Navy at the Ponto de Apoio Naval, in Tróia. idD Portugal Defence was represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Marco Capitão Ferreira, and by the Executive Director, Catarina Nunes, and the Portuguese Navy was represented by the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Navy, Vice-Admiral Jorge Novo Palma.