idD Portugal Defence met, on July 20, with ANI – Agência Nacional da Inovação.

The meeting was attended by the chairman of idD Portugal Defence, Marco Capitão Ferreira, the executive director, Catarina Nunes, the President of ANI, Edaurdo Maldonado, and the members of the Board Filomena Egreja and António Bob dos Santos.

The parties addressed issues of common interest, particularly the cooperation reinforcement between the two entities on areas relating to innovation, research and development for the Defence Economy.

ANI’s mission is to develop actions aimed at supporting technological and business innovation in Portugal, contributing to the consolidation of the National Innovation System (SNI) and to strengthening the competitiveness of the national economy in global markets, to which National Defence has a determining role in terms of the know-how it holds, in terms of Human Resources and Technological Infrastructure, and the opportunities that the New Multi-annual Financial Framework of the European Commission will provide.