idD Portugal Defence met, on July 6th, with Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital – DTx for a work meeting.
The main goal of this meeting was to reinforce cooperation between both entities, especially the connection between the Defence Economy and the Research and Development Centres from Portuguese Universities. O milestone set in idD Portugal Defence’s new mission.
On idD Portugal Defence’s side, the meeting was attended by the Chairman, Marco Capitão Ferreira, and the executive manager Catarina Nunes. From DTx CoLAB, Chairman of the Board António Cunha and the directors of different research areas.
idD Portugal Defence presented its projects and strategic lines for the convergence of interests between companies and research centres, in the search for viable technological solutions and with the capacity to create value for the Defence Economy and for the National Economy. It is necessary to create an active tripod between Funding/Companies/Research Centres.
The Digital Transformation Collaborative Laboratory – DTx is a private non-profit association that develops its activity by carrying out applied research in different areas associated with digital transformation. It consists of 17 associate members, including:
- Three universities: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Universidade de Évora and Universidade do Minho;
- An international laboratory: INL;
- An engineering and innovation centre: CEiiA;
- Twelve companies: Accenture, Bosch, Cachapuz, Celoplás, Embraer, IKEA, Neadvance, NOS, Primavera, Simoldes, TMG Automotive and WeDo.
Photo: DTX Digital Transformation CoLab