Economia de Defesa - Licenciamento

The Defence Economy requires the licensing, by the Ministry of National Defence, of economic operators who intend to carry out the activity of commerce and/or industry of military goods and technologies and products related to Defence, in accordance with Law No. 49/2009.

Trade in military goods and technologies comprises purchase and sale operations, leasing operations under any of its contractual forms, import, export and re-export or transit of military goods and technologies, as well as intermediation in business related to these goods and technologies.

The industry, or production of military goods and technologies, comprises a complex of activities that includes the research, planning, testing, manufacture, assembly, repair, transformation, maintenance and demilitarisation of military goods or technologies.

Commercialized or industrialized goods or products are covered by the Commission’s Directive (EU) 2019/514, of March 14, 2019, which also defines common rules applicable to the control of exports of military technology and equipment. The directive establishes 22 categories of military products and technologies that are also included in the annex to Decree-Law 98/2019, of July 30th.

The circulation of military goods or defence-related products is regulated by Law 37/2011, of June 22nd.

Licensing for the Defense Economy is done through the electronic platform of the MoD’s Directorate-General for National Defence Resources.


  • Companies that under the terms of Law 49/2009, of August 5, are authorised to carry out trade in military goods and technologies (as of December 31, 2020): READ HERE
  • Companies that under the terms of Law 49/2009, of August 5, are authoriSed to develop the activity of military goods and technology industry (as of December 31, 2020): READ HERE